What Is Female Ejaculation?

Female Ejaculation

Female ejaculation was first reported in 1980 when concerned women thought it was urine. Pornographic materials featuring female ejaculation was banned in the UK but it’s actually Australia’s third most searched category.

Today, many people are surprised when they learn that women do ejaculate, but this phenomenon was written in the 4th century in China where the liquid excreted during climax was believed to have healthful and mystical properties. Does it still sound confusing?

If yes, here is everything you need to know about female ejaculation.

Table of Contents

What is a female ejaculation?

Female ejaculation is simply a watery fluid originating in the G-spot and is secreted by the Paraurethral Glands via the urethra during orgasm.

Even though people mistake this fluid with urine, I assure that it’s not urine regardless of the fact that it comes from urethra; it’s a female ejaculate that comes from the duct around the urethra and not from the bladder.

The female ejaculate can travel back into the bladder and is referred to as retrograde ejaculation.

Majority of people mistake female ejaculation for normal vaginal fluid, but they are very different. On one hand, normal vaginal fluid can vary in color, smell, taste, depending on the menstrual cycle, food intake, hormonal levels, and presence of infection.

On the other hand, female ejaculation is fairly consistent in color, smell, taste, and consistency. In other words, female ejaculate is sweet smelling, watery fluid but different from the fluid women excrete when wet for instance from sexual arousal.

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Causes of female ejaculation

When women are sexually aroused, the G-Spot enlarges and the tissues around the urethra are filled with blood and the Paraurethral/Skenes glands are engorged with fluid.

The rhythmic pressure produced by a penis, toys, or fingers or the contractions of an orgasm forces the fluid out via the urethral opening and that’s when women experience ejaculation.

The average amount of fluid expected during ejaculation is two tablespoons, but it varies from one woman to another based on the levels of hydration in a woman or how much she can push during ejaculation.

To put it in simpler terms, female ejaculate differs in texture, appearance, and quantity. It ranges from a milky to clear liquid or from watery to sticky.

Does every woman ejaculate?

Now that you already understand what female ejaculation is all about, another question that a bunch of women asks is, can I ejaculate?

Well, I won’t give you a yes/no answer but the most important thing for you to understand is that all women have Skenes/Paraurethral glands meaning that they are all capable of producing this fluid and eventually ejaculate.

According to the research, around 10-54% of women ejaculate. Interestingly, most women ejaculate but they don’t realize what’s happening to them and thus tend to cut the experience out of fear that they might urinate during the intercourse.

The fear clenches down the PC muscles which force the fluid not to come out. Whenever a woman fails to relax and push, she prevents herself from ejaculating.

How is female ejaculation achieved?

Female Ejaculation

According to gynecological studies, a majority of women ejaculate during orgasm especially when the G-spot is sexually stimulated, and the result is that it swells and produces a fluid discharge via the urethra.

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Clinical studies also confirmed that G-spot stimulation produces a similar response to the male’s prostate stimulation.

The first few seconds of stimulation makes you feel like you want to urinate, but the feeling is replaced with an extraordinary sexual pleasure.

How to increase chances of experiencing female ejaculation?

It goes without saying that every woman would love to experience female ejaculation. Therefore, the first step towards this amazing experience is to stop trying and work towards experiencing it because you are capable.

When you stop stressing yourself out claiming that you are not like other women because you do not ejaculate, and focus on the penetration, you’ll definitely experience it.

Besides, you are supposed to address any psychological barriers that prevent you from experiencing female ejaculation and you could find the right techniques in experiencing it.

During the penetration, you can easily bring yourself a step closer to ejaculation by;

  • Strengthening your PC muscles
  • Adding clitoral stimulation to your G-spot stimulation
  • Locating your G-spot by the use of a g-spot stimulator or locating it immediately after the first orgasm
  • Trying to urinate before sex
  • Seeking professional help from a sex therapist
  • When you feel the urge to have an orgasm, push it instead of forcing it not to come out

Final thoughts

It goes without saying that the best moments in a sex play is during the climax. When women realize that they want to pee, they force the urine not to come out, but they are not aware of what they prevent.

Therefore, take your sexual experience a notch higher by abandoning yourself and pushing your orgasm as you would actually be experiencing female ejaculation.

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