Can You Be Allergic to Sex?

Allergic to Sex

As incredible as this may be, you just might be allergic to sex with someone important! Sex is an interesting and highly sought-after expressive engagement that people desire to indulge in for the sake of pleasure.

For men, being able to keep a woman coming back for more sex after the first time is a priority. Achieving this goal gives them a sort of satisfaction and confidence in their ability to function as the boss in bed.

For ladies, the need to enjoy sex without experiencing discomforting pains or reactions is basic, so also the demand for a man who can last longer than 10 minute in action before ejaculating and who is equally skilled in the art of making them reach orgasm is very high.

Imagine finding prince charming after a series of failed relationships in which you were sexually active, and he gives you all the happiness you’ve ever dreamed of. Everything goes smoothly until you finally decided to have sex with him, and your vagina goes up in flames!

If you are lucky enough to get what you want off sex the way you want it, good for you. Not everyone is that lucky! While some people complain of sexual hyperactivity, there have been reports of instances where men ejaculate from minor body contact with women while standing on a queue, and of people who ejaculate at the thought of some female they saw or had a crush on.

As funny as that may be, it is an issue of great concern for the victim of this sexual problem. Some other people have had allergic reactions from sex too, and this could either happen every time they have sex regardless of who they have it with or where they have it or vary according to partner (depending on the kind of reaction and its trigger).

We all have that neighbor, friend, relative, or acquaintance who must have complained about how her husband ejaculates within the first two minutes of foreplay or manages to hump for only five minutes before the spills the milk. All the above examples of people are victims of a condition known as sexual hypersensitivity.

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Sexual hypersensitivity is a general name for a plethora of genital conditions precipitated by coitus in vulnerable people. These conditions are either a reaction to actual immunological hypersensitivity or a reflection of high reactivity or sensitivity to sex itself which in this case is non-immunological.

For those who have hypersensitive sexual reactions of the Immunological hyperactivity kind, it is allegedly caused by a situation where the immune system produces undesirable response or reactions when exposed to triggering antigens.

This explains why some people have human seminal plasma hypersensitivity (allergy to sperm) caused by sperm protein reaction, localized vaginal hypersensitivity, topical medication sensitivity, spermicide hypersensitivity (this affects men majorly), and latex-fruit syndrome.

Sperm allergy is a less talked about sexual hypersensitivity reaction because there are less reported cases of its occurrence compare to other sexual hypersensitivity reactions like premature ejaculation.

What causes sperm allergy?

Allergic to Sex

Seminal plasma hypersensitivity affects just a few females and is often misdiagnosed due to its rarity and the similarity of its symptoms to those of other vagina infections.

However, for those who have protected sex it impossible to have this reaction unless you experience a rupture in your condom that allows contact between sperm and the vagina.

Consider the vagina an organism of its own with the ability to accept whatever it finds beneficial to its well-being, reject whatever it finds repulsive and also respond to chemical reactions.

Sperm contains a large variety of chemicals such as glycoprotein, fructose, enzymes, citric acid, ascorbic acid, potassium, sodium, nitrogen, free amino acids, prostaglandin, uric acid, cholesterol, lactic acid, blood group antigens, Vitamin B¹², chlorine and protein.

Seminal plasma hypersensitivity occurs due to the body’s allergic response to a seminal protein which the prostate gland secretes. The signs of this reaction manifest as early as ten to twenty minutes after unprotected sexual intercourse once there is a contact between the body and seminal discharge.

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The symptoms of seminal plasma hypersensitivity reaction are usually local to the female reproductive system or the mouth (in cases of oral sex) but there are Chances of a spread through other parts of the body.

In cases where sperm comes into contact with other parts of the skin of the seminal hypersensitive person, the reactions are sure to manifest in those areas of the person’s skin.

Once the body’s defense mechanism (antibodies) begins to respond to the body’s contact with a particular sexual partner’s sperm, the seminal reaction could lead to further strain for couples who are trying to have children as doctors will advise against natural means of reproduction.

However, this does not mean that seminal plasma hypersensitivity has any effect on a woman’s fertility. There are also cases where men were reported to be allergic to their own sperm and have noticed flu just a few mins after ejaculation.

Symptoms of Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity

  1. Itching
  2. wheezing
  3. blistering
  4. Vaginal burning
  5. Swelling
  6. Eczema
  7. Lightheadedness
  8. Painful urination
  9.  Anaphylaxis
  10. Hives
  11. Tightness in the chest
  12. Unconsciousness In extremely severe cases
  13. Difficulties in breathing

Notice the similarity between these symptoms of those of other vagina infections. Thus, it is advised that you see your gynecologist for proper diagnosis of the condition you are having when you notice any of these symptoms after sex with anyone.

There are three ways to test for seminal plasma hypersensitivity

  1. The condom test: This is the simplest and easiest way to test for seminal plasma hypersensitivity. Once you notice the symptoms of Seminal allergy after unprotected sex with your partner, the doctor will advise you to use a condom and notice your body’s response after sex. If you do not experience the same symptoms after the use of a condom then it means you are allergic to sex with your partner.
  2. Isolated sperm test: This method of testing for seminal plasma hypersensitivity requires the injection of some Isolated sperm and seminal fluid in the woman’s body to check her body’s response.  If the woman’s body shows signs of allergic reactions to sperm, then she is diagnosed with seminal plasma hypersensitivity.
  3. Intra-dermal testing: In this method of testing for seminal plasma hypersensitivity, a small amount of the man’s sperm is injected under his partner’s skin to check for sperm allergy.
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Method of Treatment

Allergic to Sex
  1. Condoms: Condoms can be used as a preventative measure again seminal plasma hypersensitivity but, in cases of allergic reaction to latex this method is not advisable.
  2. Intravaginal seminal graded challenge (also called desensitization): This method of Treatment involves injecting small amounts of your partner’s seminal discharge in your body for several hours but at regular time intervals. To activate the potency of this treatment method, plenty of sexual intercourse between both partners is required. That means to prevents re-exposure of the woman to the sperm allergy, the first couple of days/weeks from after this method of Treatment should be dedicated to lots of unprotected sex between the couple. Sex spree!
  3. Artificial insemination: This is not exactly a treatment method but a medium of reproduction. For a couple who still suffer from seminal plasma hypersensitivity after going for treatment, artificial insemination is an advisable method if they desire to have a child. This would require the doctor to inject the man’s isolated sperm (sperm without seminal fluid) into the Woman’s body during ovulation so she can get pregnant.

Though this condition is not a common one, a couple who struggle with it could have problems keeping their relationship especially if treatment fails. But, counselling is a possible option if they decide to work things out and remain together as a couple.

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