Will Anal Sex Make My Butt Bigger?

Butt Bigger

Gone are the days when ladies were comfortable having smaller breasts and smaller backside. In the world of today, almost every female craves to have the perfect body; the figure 8 or the so-called coca cola bottle shaped body.

Well, you can’t really blame them as this is what the world of fashion and beauty has brought upon us.

A lot of ladies spend thousands of dollars on creams, and other products that promise to help with butt enhancement some others go through surgeries are augmentations just to increase the size of their breasts and backside.

While a lot of ladies might be too shy to talk about it, so many others are bold enough to discuss it and even hit the gym to sculpt their bodies to fit the particular shape that they desire.

In some African societies, especially in rural areas, every growing female is made to believe that when you start developing a bigger backside, there is every chance that you have started having sex. This assumption is thought to an old wives tale by many of us; however, there may be an iota of truth in it.

Saying we might draw some facts from this old clam does not categorically mean that every woman with a big backside got it through sexual intercourse as we are well aware that genetics hormones and even food play a significant role in bodybuilding.

But we will not dismiss the possibility that sex might have a role to play when it comes to growing your backside or widening your hips. In this article, we would find out if anal sex in any way helps to build the backside.

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Now over time, a lot of persons have claimed that certain sex positions are equal to some workout routines that help to build your muscles. I wouldn’t know how true this is as there is no scientific backing for such claims.

However, if what you mean by butt is the mass of flesh that rounds out your backside which contains your glute minimus and Maximus, then I am sorry to put it this way, but anal sex will in no way make your butt bigger.

The reason is you that can have anal sex in varying positions, but none of these positions will be targeted at exercising your glute muscles. Therefore, there will be no building them. But if what you are referring to as your butt is your ass hole then yes anal sex can make your butt hole bigger.

What happens to your ass hole when you engage in anal sex is that the ring muscles that surrounds your anus called your sphincter to become significantly impacted and could stretch out a bit if you in practice anal sex too often.

Now what this would mean is that you might be unable to hold poop in and faecal incontinence is not something that anybody would love to deal with trust me ( pooping your pants is disgraceful and can happen anywhere).

Nevertheless, the possibility of experiencing faecal incontinence from anal sex is very low a lot of people who engage in same-sex relationships and engage in penetrative sex with the anus have testified that anal sex is very safe and enjoyable especially because the anus is home to thousands of nerve endings almost like the clitoris.

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Back to your glutes. Sorry to say, but no method of backside building has anything to do with anal sex. However, it is essential for you to know that your butt is made up of fat and muscles so some weight gain could help you bulk up on the behind.

Also, there are specific exercises you could engage in to help you build the area, that is If you’re hoping to make muscles instead of gathering up fat on her behind.

Now you know if your goal is to build up your backside, exercises are your best friends. Just engage in a few squats, leg presses, pilates and yoga positions that could help you achieve your goal whether you’re into anal sex or not.

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